Heather Midori Yamada
Artist and Teacher of Contemplative Arts
Contemplative Approaches to Art-Making
Victoria Workshop
November 12 and November 26, 2023 Note date change!

Short guided meditations prepares the body and mind for relaxed learning and experimentation. We will explore different hand-made Japanese washi papers, using sumi ink, acrylics and watercolours. All washis are included as are most materials, mediums, metallics, high quality sumi, etc. Influenced by her own practices of hatha yoga and meditation, ikebana, flower arranging, and the various uses of Japanese washi papers.
Dates: Sunday November 12th or Sunday November 26th Note date change!
Time Options
Full Day: 1pm - 6:30pm
Half Day: 1pm - 3:30pm
**Limit 12 persons (preference given to full day participants)**
Location: Heather’s Studio building
Upstairs hall, Annex Building of St Matthais Church
600 Richmond Ave at Richardson St, Victoria, BC (map)
(large parking lot, airy hall, each participant will have a single table)
Information: hmidoriy@gmail.com
(514) 917-5260
Registration: Register now with a $50 fee by e-transfer hmidoriy@gmail.com. Mention which date and whether the registration is for half or full days.
Materials: All washis are included, most materials, mediums, metallics, high quality sumi, etc. Details, materials and equipment list upon full sign-up.
Register now to reserve your place. (not included in the workshop fee)
Special introductory workshop early-bird fee EXTENDED!
Paid before October 1, 2023
Half Day - $95CAD
Full Day - $175CAD
Regular workshop fee
Paid after August 1, 2023
Half Day - $125CAD
Full Day - $195CAD
Pay by e-transfer to hmidoriy@gmail.com
Important: ** Mention your email, and the desired date, and whether you wish a half or a full day in the transfer note **
* IMPORTANT: Cancellation accepted only for emergency and medical reasons.
Note: All washis are included as are most materials, mediums, metallics, high quality sumi etc. Further details and a materials/equipment list will be sent upon payment of workshop fees.
Heather Midori Yamada
Heather Midori Yamada has been a working artist since her university days. Combined five year studies at York U and graduating from Western, Heather concentrated on drawing, painting and printmaking. Over ten years at Toronto’s collective Open Studio Printmaking Heather discovered Japanese washi papers in chine collé, collograph-marouflage and monotypes.
Heather’s further explorations led to direct painting, dyeing, texturizing onto various Japanese washis including working on 7 meter long shoji papers. Hot bees wax applications as resists, layered acrylic washes, and Japanese sumi are among the various ways Heather expresses transitoriness, ebb and flow mirrowed in nature.
This mixed media approach is inspired by Heather’s contemplative practices of meditation, hatha yoga and ikebana, Japanese floral arrangement.