Heather Midori Yamada
Artist and Teacher of Contemplative Arts
Spontaneous Brush on Japanese Washi Papers Workshops
in Halifax, Nova Scotia
September 29-30 & October 1, 2018
Meditation, relaxation, artistic freedom
September 29-30
Discover the transparency and resilience of of timeless Japanese washi papers through brush handling techniques, colour mixing, collage, watercolour and more.
October 1, 2018
Experience the vitality of movement through a relaxed poised body, free breath and spontaneous gestures.
More info below...
Contemplative Approaches to Spontaneous Brush and Japanese Washi Papers Workshop
We will begin each session with short, guided meditations focusing on relaxation of the body and freedom of the breath. Demonstrations on brush handling and black and white exercises will be followed by colour mixing, and creation of an individual harmonious palette. All of these will be expressed on various Japanese washi papers. Discover the transparency and resilience of this timeless material which can stand alone, or be collaged onto watercolour papers or canvas.
Dates: September 29-30, 2018
Time: 10 am-3pm daily
Location: Canada Games Centre, 26 Thomas Raddall Dr, Halifax NS B3S 0E2
Registration: WORKSHOP IS FULL!!
To be placed on the waiting list send a message to Heather.
Workshop Fee
Before August 15, 2018
Special introductory workshop early-bird fee
$135CAD + materials*
After August 15, 2018
Regular fee
$150CAD + materials*
Payment via e-transfer (hmidoriy@gmail.com), or by cheque made out to HM Yamada and sent to HM Yamada 1148 Goodwin Suite #101, Victoria BC V8S 5H2
* Materials are extra and will be bulk ordered in advance. See Materials section below for more details.
IMPORTANT: PCancellation for emergency health reasons only -15% of workshop fee.
Participants MUST bring:
white plastic table cloth (dollar store variety)
clear spray bottle, tooth brush
4-6 containers with lids for washes
aluminium foil- 6 pieces
10 sheets newsprint (not newspaper)
liquid acrylics (bring if not using transparent watercolors)
Materials than can be purchased/borrowed from Heather (additional $50**)
or that participants MUST bring themselves:
good quality Japanese or Chinese black ink (NOT NOBEL brand please)
1 flat watercolour brush, 1 round brush
transparent tube watercolours
Japanese washi handmade paper from kozo, mitsumata or gampi fibres, NOT rice paper: 2 full sheets each of usukuchi heavy and uwa senka, 2-3 small 81/2x11" colored kozo***
** If purchasing from Heather, the $50 fee is non refundable, as supplies must be purchased well in advance. If there is a medical emergency and you cannot attend you will still get your materials post workshop.
*** If purchasing washi yourself we encourage you to contact local supplier Jamie Pratt (jpratt@eastlink.ca)
Large Format Painting on Japanese Washi Workshop
Experience the vitality of movement through a relaxed poised body, free breath and spontaneous gestures. This workshop will begin with guided breath work and some simple yoga postures. Discover ease of brush handling and opening to natural energies to create simplified, authentic marks and patterning in black and white ink drawings with limited colour.
Dates: Monday, October 1, 2018
Time: 9am-2pm
Location: Canada Games Centre, 26 Thomas Raddall Dr, Halifax NS B3S 0E2
Registration: WORKSHOP IS FULL!!
To be placed on the waiting list send a message to Heather.
Workshop Fee
Before August 15, 2018
Special introductory workshop early-bird fee
$95CAD + materials*
After August 15, 2018
Regular fee
$135CAD + materials*
Payment via e-transfer (hmidoriy@gmail.com), or by cheque made out to HM Yamada and sent to HM Yamada 1148 Goodwin Suite #101, Victoria BC V8S 5H2
* Materials are extra and will be bulk ordered in advance. See Materials section below for more details.
IMPORTANT: PCancellation for emergency health reasons only -15% of workshop fee.
Participants MUST bring:
white plastic table cloth (dollar store variety)
clear spray bottle, tooth brush
4-6 containers with lids for washes
aluminium foil- 6 pieces
10 sheets newsprint (not newspaper)
liquid acrylics (bring if not using transparent watercolors)
Materials than can be purchased/borrowed from Heather (additional $50**)
or that participants MUST bring themselves:
good quality Japanese or Chinese black ink (NOT NOBEL brand please)
1 flat watercolour brush, 1 round brush
transparent tube watercolours
Japanese washi handmade paper from kozo, mitsumata or gampi fibres, NOT rice paper: 2 full sheets each of usukuchi heavy and uwa senka, 2-3 small 81/2x11" colored kozo***
** If purchasing from Heather, the $50 fee is non refundable, as supplies must be purchased well in advance. If there is a medical emergency and you cannot attend you will still get your materials post workshop.
*** If purchasing washi yourself we encourage you to contact local supplier Jamie Pratt (jpratt@eastlink.ca)