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Unconditional Beauty: When Heart-Mind-Eye Meet

Dharma Arts Fall Weekend Workshop in Ottawa

TBA, Fall 2024


Come join us in this rare opportunity to explore our creativity.

With facilitators Heather Midori Yamada and Tejumo Ogouma 


Experience and explore the intersection of meditation practice and the creative arts. For artists and non-artists alike we begin with short guided meditations to relax and make simple contact with the body and breath. Perceptual exercises lead us to experience space and silence in new ways. Inspired by natural materials like flowers, ink, colour and Japanese washi papers we can access spontaneous and authentic gestures, text and  brushstrokes.


“Genuine art – Dharma art – is simply the activity of nonaggression.”— Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche



Dates: TBA Fall, 2024


Location:  Ottawa Shambhala Centre, 119 Ross Ave, Suite 102, Ottawa, ON


Informationsend a message to Jessie-Lee Wallace, Coordinator


Pour les francophones : Nous serons heureux d’offrir les instructions et les clarifications en français durant ces ateliers.


Workshop Fee


Before July 15, 2023

Special introductory workshop early-bird fee

$225CAD *Must be paid in full BEFORE May 1, 2024


After July 15, 2023

Regular fee

$275CAD *A $50 deposit must be paid BEFORE May 26, 2024 


We have a generosity policy for individuals who need price assistance.


* IMPORTANT: Cancellation accepted only for emergency and medical reasons.


Art Materials



3-5 colored watercolour pencils

small  travel watercolour set

round brush

hb pencil


ink pen


digital camera or mobile device




layers of travel clothes

warm fleecy

good walking shoes

coin washing machine available in house




Small Flashlight

Water bottle


Heather Midori Yamada


is visual artist and teacher who has been inspired by the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche since the 1980s.  Her path included Shambhala Training and the Buddha Dharma, Kyudo, hatha yoga and Dharma Art. She spent decades studying with the late Sogetsu Ikebana Master Seibi Watanabe and co-facilitated the Dharma Art programs with the late Stéphane Bédard. As a former Council member and SODEC ( Shambhala Office of Decorum and Culture of the Victoria Shambhala Centre, Heather Midori is delighted to return to Ottawa to reconnect with our individual and collective 'heart of sadness' and beauty. Heather Midori’s meditation in action focuses on Ikebana (Japanese flower arranging), brush, ink, and Japanese washi paper inspired by Buddhist meditation practices. Find out more...



Tejumo Ogouma


Tejumo Ogouma is a long-time Shambhala buddhist practitioner who devoted many years to the study and application of creative arts in our everyday lives. He is a practicing artist trained in Ikebana in the Sogetsu tradition, Miksang (contemplative photography), and Haiku.



Other Dharma Arts Fall Weekend events

The following events will take place in addition to the weekend workshop:
Ikebana Gathering
Friday, September 29, 
6:30pm - 8:30pm


A talk and short demonstrations will introduce the basics of ‘heaven, earth and human’ principles of the Sogetsu  School of ikebana. Examples of variations will be present. Participants will be invited to try their hand at this ancient and contemporary practice of beauty and harmony. 


  • Prior experience is not required. Materials and guidance will be provided by the Ottawa Shambhala Centre. Please reserve your spot in advance as place is limited.

  • Suggested Registration Fee: $30, including supply costs* (equipment-low vases, clippers, floral frogs can be borrowed) 



Art Exhibition and Community Open house
Thursday, September 28, 
5:30pm - 8:00pm  

This exhibition and sale will feature original works by Heather Midori. A percentage of the proceeds of the sale will be donated to the Ottawa Shambhala Centre. 


This is your chance to meet our guest artist and teacher, Heather Midori.  We hope that you will appreciate her work, support our Centre, and spend time with members and friends.


  • No charge. All are welcome.

  • Registration strongly recommended



Shambhala Children's Art Open House 
Sunday, October 1, 
5:00pm - 7:00pm
During this session, children are invited to join in and explore various creative exercises. Very short guided sitting, walking and other ‘moving meditations’, will be introduced. The goal is to have fun and express ourselves, in a welcoming atmosphere. 


  • Prior experience is not required.

  • Materials will be provided by the Ottawa Shambhala Centre.

  • Please reserve your spot in advance as place is limited.

  • Suggested Registration Fee: $30, including supply costs. 

  • Children under twelve years old should be accompanied by a parent.

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